In a place of so many questions today. Who knows what is true? Many people tell me, as a Jew, that the Bible is not valid. That no one has the truth.
That can not be a true statement. There are truths around us everywhere we look. You are going to die? And that is a truth that no one disputes.
3335 years ago, the nation of Israel stood at Mount Sinai and received the Torah from the creator of the heavens and the earth. Today, people claim this never happened and is only a myth.
I was in Israel with Tim Mahoney and want to thank Tim for the great work that he is doing and has done. I am not a Christian, and I do not believe in the Christian Bible, but I do know that the Torah is the word of Hashem.
Christians are the leading producers of media that prove what we know from knowing Hashem and from Hashem choosing us to be His nation, Israel.
I want to present a series of documentaries that ask questions about what you know to be accurate or what some academics tell you is true. Most people have not taken the time to read the Bible and know so little about what it says. I would say 90 percent or more do not know the words of the Living Elohim.
The Telling of a Story.
This is done for educational purposes. This is a Jewish Site, and we are against the Christian Bible and its claim to be backed by the Torah.
Stopping Jordanian Military Provocations on the Border:
To watch a discussion between Jonathan Pollard and Rabbi David Bar-Hayim on the issue of innocent civilians and collateral damage please go to the following link:… Please subscribe to the Machon Shilo channel and on Rumble at: Visit us at Want to get involved in Machon Shilo activities in your local area and meet like-minded people?
I once heard a teacher say, So, you call yourself Jewish?
Well, how do you call yourself Jewish if you do not know our history?
By the way, it is one of the 613 commandments.
To know our history will amaze you, and you will know that there is an Almighty.
The time of Chanukkah was right before the rise of Christianity and the rule of Edom/Rome/Christianity. I often ask people where was the third capital of Rome located. How can someone understand the influence of Rome today if you do not know the history of Rome and the Jewish people?
Devarim 32:7
Remember the days of old; reflect upon the years of [other] generations. Ask your father, and he will tell you; your elders, and they will inform you.
I await the New Year of 5785 and pray for my nation and country. The USA and Israel both stand at the precipice of destruction from power within their ranks. Israel and the USA are fighting for their spiritual lives.
I know that whatever happens to our homelands, Hashem is the King who runs this world. I prepare today and every day to make Hakodesh Barchu my King and to wait joyfully on His promises to us, the Jewish people.
Hashem is getting ready to introduce Himself to a world that thinks there is no truth and no G-D in the world. They can run the world in a way that breaks every Torah commandment and covenant that Hashem has made with mankind and with the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Our redemption is near, and the war of Gog and Magog is at hand. In our midst today.
Unbelievable Bible Code of Professor Harakickk on GOG MAGOG and the End of Days Rabbi Glazerson
Hidden History of Zionism
Hidden History of Zionism
Timing Is Everything.
Archeologists claim the Exodus never happened.
The world is now facing many challenges and hard decisions. The world of truth is no longer a place where truth belongs. Every nation is fighting for its freedom. The world is seeing our slavey to the unseen masters.
Will the Torah again be proven to be the only truth that will stand?
Things that you do not know. Did Jerico happen?
What do you do when Experts can not agree?
Efraim PalvanovArchaeological Proof for the Torah and Exodus
Rabbi Chaim Richman has been apart of my life since 2002, when I met him in Jerusalem, Israel, for the first time. To this day, when I study the Torah and look to it’s great insights, I find myself looking for my dear friend and his great insight into the Tree of Life. Come, and eat my friend’s, and hold on to her, for all her paths are peace.
The issue of faith and trust between husband and wife is so important to G-d that He is willing to go to extraordinary lengths to restore trust that has been broken, placing both the dust of His Tabernacle and His own holy name at their disposal.
My life has been a journey of unknowns. Always moving toward a place that seems to always move. I have questioned where I am, and where am I going, and what does it mean to find something that can not be seen.
One thing I know is that my heart and eyes cannot be trusted to guide along the way. But only by holding on to what my forefathers have to say. Where do they speak to me you might ask?
Well, they are words that have come from a long history pasted. Traditions that no other people have had. This is what has lead me to the future… and has connected me to the covenant that shall never past.